Meet Our Church's Leadership
Committed to Sharing the Gospel and Disciplining Christ's Followers

Michael & Marquita White
Pastor Michael and Marquita White have served our church for the past seven years. His spiritual gifting as a teacher causes his sermons and teachings to be applicable to everyday life. His leadership has challenged the church to grow spiritually and be ready for the spiritual harvest. Michael has been a licensed minister for over twenty years and has pastored churches in Michigan and Ohio before coming to Indiana. Michael achieved the ministerial license of a bishop in 2016. Michael has a Doctorate in Management, a Master’s in Business Administration, and a Bachelors in Management He also teaches as an adjunct professor for Indiana Wesleyan University. Additionally, one of his passions is being a NASCAR chaplain, and has served Christ at NASCAR racetracks for the past 15 years. Michael and his wife have been married for 30 years, and have two adult daughters.

Church Board
Jim Fortenbury, Connie Lunsford, Michael White, & Rick Wood
These four individuals make up the church leadership board, and guide the decisions of the church along with making larger recommendations to the entire church business conference. Along with these responsibilities, Jim coordinates the Sunday School, and teaches the adult class every Sunday. Connie is the church clerk and treasurer, and helps lead worship. Rick assists the pastor in many ways, and his prior experience as a pastor is a blessing to the entire church. Pastor Michael has said, “he could not imaging pastoring this church without these leaders.”